Category Archives: SharePoint
Why page weight in SharePoint is important When looking to design, build and introduce any SharePoint based environment into your business, like any web based development that is accessed via a variety of internet browsers, you need to consider (amongst … Continue reading
Growth in third party tools in SharePoint
We have worked with SharePoint as a framework since its first full scale release in 2001. Since then we have witnessed the steady growth in third party tools in SharePoint to provide either enhancements to weaker functionality provided ‘out of the box’ (OOTB), or new features to complement existing core functionality. Continue reading
The introduction and importantly adoption of SharePoint into any organisation is challenging to say the least, as relative novices, existing SharePoint, traditional infrastructure or software project managers whom take on the management and delivery of these projects, will tell you.
This article has highlighted many issues organisations deploying or about to will experience and indeed, many organisations will experience difficulties in some or all of the above, as a consequence of lack of experience, poor decision making or expectation management with the business sponsors. Continue reading