I have had several conversations recently which has led me to write this short article, around the different applications and hence licensing requirements for "SharePoint Technologies". Much of the confusion tends to be the issue of ‘free’ Windows SharePoint Services (WSS V3.0) which is licensed against your Windows 2003, or Small Business Server and is [...]
Thought I would post a note about the books that are available which I have read/currently reading about SharePoint. These are predominantly generalist SharePoint (MOSS) books in the main and cover the breadth of the platform in its entirety, but not necessarily in any great depth. The content I would suggest, is aimed at anyone [...]
I came across this site which gives you some useful tips and advice around sizing of your Site Collections, be that for WSS or MOSS based servers. Its by the legendary Joel Oleson, so needless to say its great advice. Site here. In my view its probably only applicable for your enterprise sized organisations, [...]
I have been experimenting with the Windows Live Writer product which is going through beta phases at the moment with Microsoft. Essentially its a localised blog editing tool. Impressive first pass I have to say. Is pretty good for updates to WSS V3 based Blogs and also ‘maps’ itself onto the other types out there [...]
The WSS Evaluation Guide was released by Microsoft in January 2007. A useful document for newbie’s and certainly worth you grabbing a coffee/quiet place to review its contents. It’s been chopped and changed during the Beta releases last year and is a well put together document and essential read in my view. The document is [...]
For those of you still using WSS V2 (yes I am sure there are 1000′s of you who have not moved to V3 yet!) here is an interesting article from Microsoft about the Explorer view feature. Though we could have done with this article 2-3 years ago, it’s better late than never. It offers an [...]
I have just spent some time reviewing with some interest the WSS V3 ROI tool published by Microsoft in partnership with Ealinean and is part of the Infrastructure Assessment Framework. It provides some ROI type evidence to support deploying Windows 2003 R2/WSS V3. It’s a ‘free tool’ and that’s not to say that this tool [...]