The business case for SharePoint 2013
So what does the business case for SharePoint 2013, Microsoft’s latest release of its popular software, look like? Well, it depends, (as always!).

So what does the business case for SharePoint 2013, Microsoft’s latest release of its popular software, look like? Well, it depends, (as always!).
Seminar on search driven solutions and search enabled business models, who use Microsoft FAST search technologies in SharePoint.
There were some 250+ session spread across three audiences – Business Decision Maker, Developer and IT Pro. These are all listed on the site for anyone to see at Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2012 site.
Some of the team will be attending this year’s main event in Las Vegas – Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2012.
We hope to meet up with others during the week that we are there and enjoy what the event has to offer.
SharePoint as a business application framework We described previously that businesses should be viewing SharePoint as a business application framework rather than just a piece of software that ‘handles your documents’ or as I once heard it called ‘it’s just an intranet application’! Indeed, it provides an underlying application development and ‘hosting’ environment in which to [...]
Background I mentioned in my last post entitled “Document Migration in SharePoint – Your options”, that there are basically 4 main options available to you when deciding whether to migrate content from your file shares and other repositories. To summarise: Migrate completely into SharePoint *Partial migration of a subset of the content into SharePoint [...]
Introduction Migration is always a thorny topic that comes up on a project at the beginning in terms of scoping a project, towards the end during rollout or adoption phases, or once the project is closed and users are left on their own. The activity of migrating or moving data into or between team [...]
When was the last time you read a business case which contained tangible (specifically financial) cost savings for recommending Microsoft SharePoint to be deployed into your organisation?
An ongoing challenge for some of our customers and no doubt many others out there is the inability of older versions Microsoft Office (Namely Office 2000, 2002 (Known as OfficeXP) & 2003) to open/edit the newer formats created in Office 2007. The Office 2007 applications by default have document extensions typically found with an ‘X’ [...]
When looking to design, build and introduce any SharePoint based environment into your business, like any web based development that is accessed via a variety of internet browsers, you need to consider (amongst a whole host of other things!) the page weight of your users home page. Be that the main intranet home page, internet [...]