Archive for the MOSS Category


Prevent SharePoint Designer from Editing SharePoint Sites

I came across a useful article from Microsoft which describes how to stop users whom have SharePoint Designer installed, from modifying their WSS or other MOSS sites. Though SharePoint Designer shouldn’t ordinarily be installed on most users PCs, this article provides you with the steps on how to prevent them from editing the sites. It [...]


SharePoint MCTS Exams

After an exhausting week at Training Camp in Oxford last week I successfully completed (Thanks again to Marzanne Bruwer ) the MCTS exams for WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 configuration. General Information on the courses can be found here: Overall the course was well run, instructed and we were looked after in terms of [...]


SharePoint Licensing – Beware!

I have had several conversations recently which has led me to write this short article, around the different applications and hence licensing requirements for "SharePoint Technologies". Much of the confusion tends to be the issue of ‘free’ Windows SharePoint Services (WSS V3.0) which is licensed against your Windows 2003, or Small Business Server and is [...]


SharePoint Books

Thought I would post a note about the books that are available which I have read/currently reading about SharePoint. These are predominantly generalist SharePoint (MOSS) books in the main and cover the breadth of the platform in its entirety, but not necessarily in any great depth. The content I would suggest, is aimed at anyone [...]


Tips on Site Collection Sizing

  I came across this site which gives you some useful tips and advice around sizing of your Site Collections, be that for WSS or MOSS based servers. Its by the legendary Joel Oleson, so needless to say its great advice. Site here. In my view its probably only applicable for your enterprise sized organisations, [...]


Working with large lists in WSS and MOSS

This document written by Microsoft does provide some useful statistics (yawn!) but important overall statements that will affect the way you architect your lists used with BOTH your MOSS and WSS v3 based deployments. Remember virtually everything is a based upon some form of list within Microsoft’s latest platform so pay attention! Although described as [...]


An Alternative to Exchange Public Folders…

I read with interest the following article from this months’ Technet magazine which provides a useful ‘helicopter’ view of the technologies available now within Microsoft’s Office System (formerly known as Microsoft SharePoint Server 2003, Microsoft CMS amongst other services). In particular the features purportedly from Microsoft’s Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 which out of the [...]