Thought I would post a note about the books that are available which I have read/currently reading about SharePoint. These are predominantly generalist SharePoint (MOSS) books in the main and cover the breadth of the platform in its entirety, but not necessarily in any great depth. The content I would suggest, is aimed at anyone [...]
I came across this site which gives you some useful tips and advice around sizing of your Site Collections, be that for WSS or MOSS based servers. Its by the legendary Joel Oleson, so needless to say its great advice. Site here. In my view its probably only applicable for your enterprise sized organisations, [...]
I have been experimenting with the Windows Live Writer product which is going through beta phases at the moment with Microsoft. Essentially its a localised blog editing tool. Impressive first pass I have to say. Is pretty good for updates to WSS V3 based Blogs and also ‘maps’ itself onto the other types out there [...]